I'm reminded this morning as I walk through the words of John Calvin in his Institutes of the glory of God displayed first and foremost in his Scriptures. I have written in the margins of one section, "Do not Stray!" This statement is true, both when i wrote it years ago studying at Whitworth, and today here at the church office. For Calvin states thruthfully:
"If we turn aside from the Word, as i have just now said, though we may strive with strenuous haste, yet, since we have got off the track, we shall never reach the goal."
So i am reminded yet again to "guard the deposit" entrusted to me in the scriptures and to hold firm to their proper study and exhortation. We cannot overemphasize the importance of Scripture in our lives as Christians! For Scripture...
1) Directs us to right knowledge and understanding of the Creator of the universe
2) Gathers up our confused notions of God reached by our innate reason and "clearly shows us the true God"
3) Directs us to right konwledge of God the Redeemer
4) Prevents wanton truth in our Lord by continuing the succession of truthful teaching in the world for all generations to stand upon, the Word of God
5) Above all calls us out from our feeble and foolish mindset, clouded by the fall, and aids us in attaining knowledge of our Lord, for we are called to know our God which is the Words purpose for all who read and meditate upon
This list is in no means exhaustive, nor does it come close to truly expounding the the power and purpose of Scripture, but we must remember that we are all called to know our Scripture deeply, to study it with the utmost diligence, not to stray, to find our God and grow in our understanding of our Father in heaven so that our lives might be transformed to the Glory of God! Scripture is our straightedge, our path; "so...it is better to limp along this path than to dash with all speed outside it."
All quotations from Calvin's Institutes, Book 1, Chapter 6
Read the Book; Be the Book
11 years ago